Access to Commodity Market in the Laws of Iran and Developed Countries
Hadi Davudi
“Access to market” is amongst the essential concepts and goals pursued by the world trade organization within the framework of its agreements. This principle has been designed so that it can contribute to the countries in enhancing their economic development through expansion of businesses. Omission of tariffs and other business barriers has been accepted within the format of the inter-member negotiations as a solution to the expansion of the businesses. Access to the market as intended by the world trade organization is actualized for the case of the goods through border interventions like tariffs, volume restrictions and the other non-tariff measures. Within the framework of the world trade organization, access to the market points to the collection of the interventions and conditions imposed by the governments for the importing of certain goods and products in a nondiscriminatory manner. The subject of access to the market is closely interlaced with the tariffs. According to the prohibition of using the volume restrictions as well as the necessity for supporting the domestic industries through tariffs within the framework of the world trade organization, tariff is recognized as the most important instrument of business policy available to the governments and the most important means of limiting or expanding the accesses to the market. The present study aimed at a comparative study of the laws of Iran and developed countries in terms of access to commodity market based on a descriptive-analytical method. It has been concluded that there are hindrances in Iran’s regulations for access to the commodity market in respect to the developed countries that some of them can be removed and some others cannot be overcome and should be coped with.