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specialty journal of medical research and health science
Volume 2, 2017, Issue 1
Anti-Urolithic Activity Of Ethanolic Extract Of Rhus Mysorensis Against Calcicum Oxalate Induced Urolithiasis In Wistar Albino Rats
Pages: 1-9


This study was undertaken to evaluate the antiurolithiac effect of ethanolic extract of RHUS MYSORENSIS (ERM) against calcium oxalate urolithiasis using male wistar rats. Urolithasis was induced by administration of 0.75% V/V ethylene glycol with 1%w/V ammonium chloride in drinking water for 3 days followed by only 0.75% v/v ethylene glycol for next 25 days. Antiurolithiatic activity was evaluated at four doses of ERM (viz.,250, 350,450,550mg/kg) in curative and preventive regimen by estimating histological changes in kidney tissue and biochemical changes in urine, serum, and kidney tissue homogenate. Ethylene glycol-ammonium chloride feeding caused alteration in volume and levels of calcium, oxalate, phosphate, uric acid in the urine. The ERM treatment also increased urine volume but less than calculi induced animals. The ERM supplementation significantly prevented biochemical changes in the urine dose dependently. Supplementation with ERM prevented the elevation serum creatinine, uric acid and calcium, phosphate levels. The increased calcium, oxalate and phosphate levels in the kidney tissue of lithiatic rats were significantly reduced by the ERM treatment. The ERM supplementation also caused significant decrease in accumulation of calcium oxalate deposits, histological changes in the kidney tissue. These results indicate that administration RHUS MYSORENSIS extract reduced and prevented the growth of urinary stones. The possible mechanism underlined this effect is mediated collectively through diuretic properties and lowering the concentration of urinary stone forming constituents.

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specialty journal of medical research and health science
Issue 1, Volume 9, 2024