Technology Readiness Acceptance Model Analysis on Project Management Operations
R. Panday, B. Rachmat
To run the information system at the project, needs the skilled person who is executing the system as well, readiness and accept the information technology. The purpose of this research is to analyze the level of technology readiness and technology acceptance and its effect on the implementation of information systems by implementing TRAM. This research was conducted at PT.DENKI, one of the contracting companies, located in the Bekasi city, Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire of TRAM. As the respondent was an employee of PT DENKI, as many as 275 respondents. After data was collected, data were processed using path analysis in Amos version.18. The results showed that technology readiness indicated the high level and technology acceptance variables have indicated very high and actual use indicate high level. The behavior of technology readiness gave its contribution to technology acceptance, and technology acceptance had a contribution to actual use. Optimism had a significant effect on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Innovativeness had a positive significant effect on perceived ease of use. Insecurity had a negative significant effect on perceived ease of use. The discomfort had a positive significant effect on perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use had a significant effect on Perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use had a significant effect on actual use. Based on those results, the company should be a plan for regularly training concerning the information technology used at the project for their employees, in order to increase the technology readiness and technology acceptance of the employees.