Transglobal Leadership, Quality of Work Life, and Employee Performance in Cooperatives in East Java, Indonesia
Adya Hermawati, Nasharuddin Mas
The aim of this reseach is to investigate the influence of transglobal leadership to the employees’ performance with the Quality of Work Life mediation in koa malang, pasuruan and surabaya with the multigroup method as a more comprehensive form of the transglobal leadership to the improvement of the employees’ performance, so that it is expected that it can explain the interdependence and generalization that are more complete than the previous research. The population in this research is all employees of The Most Outstanding Cooperatives in East Java Province. The Employees of The Most Outstanding Cooperatives in East Java Province as the research subject with the following considerations: (1) the employees are authorized to explain the things related to the research variables and (2) the employees are the frontliners of the organization and deal directly with members, customers, and surrounding communities. Based on data from the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs (2014), the number of employees as the population size in this research is 660 employees. The determination of the sample size was by using the Slovin's Formula in the precision of 5% with the following calculation obtained a sample of 249 people. The calculation in the sampling area is determined that 249 employees to be a sample taken from 25 The Most Outstanding Cooperatives based on the region. The analysis result shows that the four hypotheses in each area are acceptable. There is a significant direct influence among transglobal leadership and quality of work life (QWL) as well as employee’s performance in Malang, Pasuruan, and Surabaya. Besides, there is a result of a significant positive influence of transglobal leadership to employee’s performance through the mediation of quality of work life (QWL). From the coefficient values of the three areas, it can be identified that the highest influence of the transglobal leadership to the employee’s performance through the mediation of quality of work life (QWL) is in Surabaya. The sequenses of discussion of variables in this research are that: 1) The variable Transglobal leadership (X1) is explained by the aspects of cognitive intelligece, emotional intelligence, business intelligence, cultural intelligence, global intelligence and moral intelligence, as described by Holt & Seki [2], Sharkey et al. [4] 2) Quality of work life is described from the aspects of participation, growth and development, compensation and work environment.