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specialty journal of agricultural sciences
Volume 4, 2018, Issue 3
Harmful Effects of Intensive Nitrogen Fertilizer Usage to Humans and Managing of Risks
Muhammad Sarwar
Pages: 9-15


While nitrogen fertilizer is added substantially for harvest augmentation in plant products, the unnecessary usage of this chemical has raised severe dangers to human health and environment. The rate of nitrogen fertilizer usage has had an adjacent affiliation by nitrate gathering in soil, ground water, surrounding environment, plus leafy and root vegetables. This article concentrated on research information on the harmful effects of too much addition of nitrogen fertilizer and its fate in the surroundings. Generally, the public water utilities are required to maintain the nitrate levels below a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 mg/ L nitrate-nitrogen (N) that has been instituted to defend contrary to methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome), to which children are specifically vulnerable. Besides methemoglobinemia, various further health hazards have been connected with the consumption of nitrate-polluted drinking water, along with diabetes, different cancers and thyroid conditions, and the adversative reproductive outcomes (particularly neural tube faults). The paramount way out was to discover a substitute water resource for the consumption and food preparation purposes of water, otherwise decrease the basis of nitrate contamination. Infant nourishing ways to decrease the ingestion of nitrate and nitrite are consuming breast milk, using previously diluted fluid formulas, otherwise using low-nitrate water or processed formulas to dilute concentrated fluid, and the consumption vegetables that are rich in nitrate must be restricted till infants are 4-6 months old. Consumers can reduce the hazard of acquaintance to nitrogen through cautious usage of domestic foodstuffs and by escaping from the spaces wherever it is being dispensed excessively to fertilize crops. Poisonous activity and other adversative effects of N-nitroso compounds can be prohibited by consuming the antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables and vitamin C.

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specialty journal of agricultural sciences
Issue 2, Volume 6, 2020